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Coronavirus Mar 15th 2020

Shenington with Alkerton Parish Council

Bag of shopping for neighbours

Assistance for residents affected by the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Parish Council wishes to ensure that all residents have the support and help needed during the Coronavirus outbreak. You may be affected because you have been advised to remain at home or there may be restrictions on travel which make it difficult for you to purchase supplies for your everyday needs or to collect your prescription. These restrictions may affect any of us and the positive contribution of the communities of Shenington and Alkerton will prove a huge asset in these difficult times.

In light of this we ask villagers to check that their neighbours have the support that they need such as sufficient groceries, prescriptions and fuel.

Tysoe Stores will take an order and payment over the telephone for collection by a friend or neighbour. Tysoe Stores can be contacted on 01295 688333.

Volunteers Needed – please volunteer now by contacting us so that we can coordinate help in the long term to support residents. Contact Gill Marshall to go on the volunteer list.

If you need further help with shopping, collecting a prescription or have other concerns please contact us:

Gill Marshall: telephone: 01295 678447


Gill Smith: telephone: 01295 678759



As the Government advice on Coronavirus is changing we have chosen not to publish this information here. We recommend that you look online at:

and/or listen to the BBC News which has regular updates on the situation.

For health advice please dial 111 and do not go to the Health Centre.


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Welcome to the Shenington and Alkerton village website which has been created by the Parish Council. Shenington and Alkerton are two beautiful neighbouring rural villages within one parish in North Oxfordshire.

This website has lots of information about the villages including local clubs and societies, the village hall, parish council, the village diary, local businesses and information about local services.


Contact Us:


Parish Council:


Parish Clerk for Parish Council matters only:


Website Administrator for blog posts and adding information to the website:


Shenington Green email service:


Shenington Green printed newsletter:


Other contacts are shown on individual pages

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